American Citizens Rise To The Occasion

Over the past week we saw an utter disaster come out of nowhere.  Joe Biden, himself, ordered the military to evacuate Afghanistan.  There was no plan to extracting diplomats, intelligence, weapons, allies, or those in direct danger from the Taliban.  He didn't tell anyone when he was going to do it.  Boris Johnson didn't know what was happening.  After we left, we had to go back in to evacuate our embassy.  We left all of our trained soldiers holding the bag.  We provided no air support, we provided no strategic aid, we just left.  Our Pentagon told us that it would be impossible to enter Afghanistan and fix this debacle.  Really?  The U.S. Military can’t secure an airport or two?  No.  I refuse to believe that.  The Pentagon chooses not to help.  And Joe Biden has the audacity to say the plan worked as he anticipated.  "No mistakes", he said.  It is clear his policies are either incompetent or treasonous.  I'll let you decide.


In the aftermath of the botched military departure, we have seen masses of people flooding airports.  They're running up to taxiing planes and climbing the landing gear just to get away from their impending doom.  Parents are passing their toddlers over the fences to people they don't know; never to see them again, just to give them a chance to live.  I can't even imagine their fear.  I can't imagine their grief.  I can't imagine being put in that situation where you would give up your own child knowing that for you, to leave is impossible, but to stay is to die.  On Wednesday, Glenn Beck announced what he planned to do to right this wrong.  The Nazarene Fund, run by the founder of O.U.R. Tim Ballard, is charged with aiding, rescuing and relocating persecuted Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East.   


The current COO, Rudy Atlallah, went on Beck's radio show Wednesday morning to discuss their plans for extraction.  The plan is vague due to security reasons, but essentially they plan on extracting between 3,000 to 5,000 people from Afghanistan that are living in safe houses.  These people are converted Christians, Jews, and Non-Muslims that are being targeted by the Taliban.  Atlallah anticipates that it will cost $4,000 per person to charter the flights and extract these poor people.  Based on the number of people, Beck estimated it would take $20 million dollars to make this happen.  This is a massive amount of money and it is unthinkable to expect you could raise this much in a couple days.  There is no time to campaign or coordinate, it must happen now.  They don't know if it will even work, but we have to try because our government has let them down.


Why are these people in immediate danger?  How does the Taliban know who these individuals are?  Our government allowed the Afghan government to require religious status on their state issued IDs.  At the time, they never considered the repercussions of such a law.  And they never considered how this could be used for evil.  Now the Taliban has a record for every individual living in Afghanistan and where they stand on the Islam debate.  There will be no time for reasoning or for bargaining.  They clearly made their choice and anyone with Christian on their ID is already dead.  But God can help.  We just need to stand for truth, freedom, and life.


Here is an excerpt from Glenn's radio program on Wednesday.

"Every single penny that you can come up with will go to flying those planes and getting those people out. We need, obviously, an enormous amount of money. …These are people that are marked for death for what they believe in. This is why we started the Nazarene Fund. Don't wait around for anyone else to do it. Don't wait around. Please, go to the and donate. ... We need your help as soon as possible. I ask that you would give until it hurts today, because these people are entirely alone. And they will be crucified, if you are marked as a Christian, with the Taliban. You know what will happen to them. We can get them out. Be an Oskar Schindler today. Go to The Nazarene"


On Wednesday, Glenn Beck's radio audience donated $9,334,652.24 to just give a second chance to these people who are marked for death.  And by Friday, the Nazarene Fund had exceeded their goal of $20 million.  Now, all we can do is pray.  Pray for the safety of those flying in.  Pray for the people who need to get to those planes.  Pray for a safe landing and a welcoming country to take in these refugees.   This attempt is their last hope.  As an American, I am ashamed of my government, but I am proud of my countrymen.  I pray to God that He judges us justly, but leaves us with a path to freedom.  For His people still live.  While He lives, we have hope.


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