They're lying to us.
It seems a common claim these days. Everyone is lying. Everyone is a racist. Everyone is evil. But that's not really true. There are many lies being promoted today in our culture by journalists, personalities, politicians, professors, and even faith leaders, but that's not new. What is new is our willingness to accept these lies. Journalists, politicians, and faith leaders have always been biased. They have always promoted half-truths and misrepresentations, but Americans used to be different. We used to be classically trained to critically think. We respected our elders and conserved traditional values. We used to know the difference between the truth and a lie. And most importantly, we trusted our neighbors and our local leaders to make the right decisions. We need to get back to this.
I was an uninformed individual growing up like the vast majority of American children. I fell into tribal thinking as much as the next guy. I was a staunch supporter of my tribes: Clemson football, Republican Party, United Methodist Church, along with many others. I went along and toed the party lines. I believed things without question. I even felt an urge to dislike and disassociate with members of other tribes. But it never really seemed right to me, though I didn't understand it at the time. Within those tribes, I always seemed to be an outcast. I consistently felt attacked when I didn't agree with a policy or statement being made by my tribe. As a 17 year old, I didn't understand what was going on.
I now realize that these tribes were not just people with loose association joining to promote healthy competition; they were actually cults. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they were established as cults, but it was how we used these associations that made them cults. The problem is with us. Our journalists want more clicks, our politicians want more votes, and our faith leaders want more tithers. They are marketing to us what we want to hear. If we want our leaders and our institutions to be better, we must expect it from them. We must be the change that we want to see. That’s why I’m starting this blog.
I’m here to dispel the lies we’re told daily, provide an outlet for critical thinking, and offer you solid food with a biblical perspective. Together we can change ourselves, our families, and our communities for the better. Think local. Seek knowledge. Be active and alert. Pray daily.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!